How Many Bras Do I Need For Travel

How Many Bras Do I Need For Travel

Feb 23, 2023

You're flying out tomorrow, and if you're organised enough to have packed your bag, it's probably bulging at the seams.

Feb 2025

You're flying out tomorrow, and if you're organised enough to have packed your bag, it's probably bulging at the seams. The question you need to ask isn't how much stuff do I need to take? But instead – have I packed the right stuff? Most of the time, the bras we take on our travels are an afterthought; we pile them without consideration.

How Many Bras Do I Need

Your best bet is to pack three. Whether you're going away for a long or a short trip, remember you'll be doing laundry. Handwashing with gentle soap is best, but if you use a machine, make sure your bra goes in a garment bag; always air-dry, never tumble dry. If you panic at the thought of only packing three bras, make it five at most or even two if you're a streamliner. Packing smart when it comes to bras eliminates the need for quantity.

Colour Me Happy

Versatility should be top of mind when making bra decisions for travel, and nude is the king of adaptability. Choosing a tone close to your skin means your bras will go primarily unnoticed under your outfits.

Need Help With Swimsuit Or Bra Fitting

Wearing a well-fitted bra or swimwear can be a game changer that improves your posture, comfort, and confidence. DeBra's has a professional team of fitting consultants that can help you find the most comfortable and appropriate bra and swimwear for your body size and shape. Our team is passionate about what we do and has fitted women of all shapes and sizes for 22 years.

Book your complimentary In-Store Fitting Appointment or a Virtual Fitting Appointment, or if you have a question, you can contact our customer service team during business hours through Live Chat, which can be found in the bottom right hand corner of the website.

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